6 Foods Asthma Patients Must Not Eat
Asthma patients suffer from breathing difficulties as a result of inflammation of air passages. This may be accompanied by excess mucus that can trigger coughing and make breathing more difficult. Asthma is characterized by shortness of breath and wheezing sound when breathing. Statistics suggest that one in 13 people in the country suffer from asthma. Listed herein are foods that can be avoided to prevent the worsening of asthma symptoms:
It is one of the top foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. One of the symptoms of suffering from asthma is excess mucus, making it difficult for one to breathe. Hence, doctors and nutritionists advise against the consumption of milk and recommend switching to Greek yogurt and other probiotics. It is also recommended to steer clear of milk products made from genetically modified cows as they could be high in fat. These milk products can also be added with preservatives, which can increase the risk of asthma.
Eggs are generally healthy but can trigger a reaction in asthma patients. Egg allergies are common in children and cause hives and other skin reactions. It has also been observed that some people experience asthma flare-ups due to the consumption of eggs. Asthma patients are recommended to rely on other sources of proteins and also carefully read the labels of packed food to see if the food contains eggs as an ingredient.
Peanuts are yet another one of the top foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. Peanuts contain allergens that can trigger anaphylaxis. This reaction causes swelling in the throat, impaired breathing, and sudden drop in blood pressure. Other severe symptoms include fainting, dizziness, and pale skin. Children suffering from asthma are usually more vulnerable to the allergens present in peanuts. Hence, it is necessary to steer clear from a peanut-based diet for children to keep asthma symptoms at bay.
Asthma allergies due to shellfish are common in children. These are chronic allergies which makes it more important to steer clear. Shellfish hidden in fish stock can also cause asthma attacks. Apart from shellfish, crabs, crayfish, lobsters, and shrimps have also been observed to cause allergic reactions.
Breakfast cereals are packed with preservatives to increase their shelf life. Packaged cereals contain preservatives like BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) that keep the cereals color, flavor, and odor intact. However, these products can cause allergic reactions, thereby increasing the risk of suffering from asthma.
Processed Foods
These foods are certainly to be avoided when suffering from asthma. Processed edibles include fast foods, frozen foods, ice creams, sugary drinks, certain meats, and ready to cook meals. They are loaded with preservatives like parabens, tartrazine, nitrates, and nitrites that can worsen the inflammation of the airways and lungs. Apart from these foods, cakes and salad dressings that are made using vegetable oil can also worsen asthma it is high in benzoate.