A Complete List of Approved Treatments for Hemophilia

A Complete List of Approved Treatments for Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare blood disease that is usually inherited and occurs mostly in men. When you injure yourself, the proteins in your body, known as clotting factors, work together with the platelets to heal the wound. In hemophilia, people have low levels of Factor VIII or Factor IX and hence cannot heal themselves. This can lead to severe internal bleeding. Treatments for hemophilia include replacement therapy, desmopressin, antibodies, and bypassing agents. Replacement therapy through recombinant clotting factors One of the best ways to treat hemophilia is to replace the missing factors through human blood or synthetically produced blood in a laboratory. The latter are called recombinant clotting factors and are widely popular as genetically engineered factors that are less likely to transmit infections. For hemophilia A treatment, recombinant factor VIII like Kovaltry, Advate, Xyntha, Kogenate, Afstyla, Nuwig, and Recombinant are used. BeneFix, Ixinity, and Rixubis are used to treat hemophilia B. Replacement therapy with plasma-derived clotting factors Missing factors derived through plasma present in the human blood are called plasma-derived clotting factors. Plasma contains proteins like albumin, antibodies, and clotting factors that are purified from donors and used to treat hemophilia patients. Plasma-derived factor VIII treatments include Hemofil-M, Alphanate, HumateP, and Wilate.
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Uncommon Breast Cancer Signs to Watch Out For

Uncommon Breast Cancer Signs to Watch Out For

Awareness of breast cancer has recently reached new levels of high. And many have committed to regular mammograms and self-examinations that help diagnose breast cancer at an early age before even that lump is formed. While these still remain the top priority, find out the uncommon signs of breast cancer that you may want to make a note of. We’ve compiled the list for you right here. Change in Skin Texture It’s vital to look for signs like scaly skin, a thickened patch of skin, or unusual itch around the skin on the breasts. This is one of the most uncommon signs of breast cancer. If any other change in skin texture or color is noticed, one must consider seeing a doctor at the earliest. Puckering To determine whether the breasts have any wrinkles or folds, you must stand in front of a mirror and raise your hands above your head to see if there’s any puckering of skin. Wrinkled skin is normal for women who have lost substantial weight and lack toning. Nipple Discharge For expecting mothers, it’s common for their breasts to leak. But if there’s no close pregnancy term and there’s fluid leaking from breasts, it’s an alarming sign.
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6 Effective Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

6 Effective Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) is not a singular disorder but a group of urinary symptoms, the most prominent one of which is a sudden and uncontrolled urge to urinate. There are several factors that cause an overactive bladder, some of which include an enlarged prostate, diabetes, and even aging. This condition is particularly difficult to manage as it affects a person’s overall lifestyle and their ability to perform daily activities with ease. There are several treatment options that can be considered to control these symptoms, most of which depend on the intensity of the condition. Some of them are listed below: Lifestyle changes The first thing that a person with an overactive bladder should do before seeking any other form of treatment is make some primary changes in their diet and lifestyle. Some of these measures include losing excess weight, ensuring a balanced water intake, and development of better bowel habits. Some other measures also include avoiding foods that contain artificial additives as well as limiting the intake of tomatoes, citrus fruits, and spicy foods. Anticholinergic drugs Anticholinergic drugs are specifically used to control muscle spasms. They can help control the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Other forms of medications, such as antidepressants, antidiuretics, and antimuscarinics, are also used to counter specific symptoms of this condition.
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Symptoms and Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis affects the brain and the central nervous system, resulting in severe damage to nerves. In this condition, the immune system attacks the protective shield of nerve fibers, which eventually results in a lack of coordination between the brain and the rest of the body. The symptoms of MS include blurred vision, slurred speech, dizziness, tingling, or electric-shock-like sensation in limbs. Fortunately, there are treatment options for MS, and we’ve listed them for you here. There’s no cure for MS, but there are treatments to prevent attacks, keep the disease from progressing, and manage the discomforting symptoms. Steroids and disease-modifying medications Oral prednisone and intravenous methylprednisolone are corticosteroids that curb multiple sclerosis flare-ups and manage its symptoms. Whereas, the disease-modifying medications work on the immune system by preventing it from attacking the protective shield called myelin surrounding the nerves. However, these anti-inflammatory medicines come with side effects, such as increased blood pressure, fluid retention, increased blood glucose levels, mood swings, and insomnia. Plasmapheresis This treatment involves plasma exchange to manage severe attacks and sudden flare-ups or relapses, or when the body doesn’t respond to steroids. The fluid portion of the blood is separated from the blood cells, as it contains a protein solution that causes the immune system to attack the nerves.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Symptoms and Treatments

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Symptoms and Treatments

When blood forms clots in veins deep inside the body, it’s called Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in medical terms. The clot could partially or entirely block the vein, causing them to swell and be visible. These two DVT o symptoms are tagged along with pain, tenderness, and discolored skin in the affected area. The condition may be caused due to no movement after surgery, certain medications, or vein injury, but, thankfully, there are many treatment options for DVT, and we’ve listed them for you here. Medications Before opting for complicated treatment options or surgeries, your doctor will prescribe medicines that dissolve the clot, or keep them from breaking off to prevent them from traveling to other parts of the body or even curb the clot size. These medicines, called anticoagulants, may have to be taken in the form of shots or pills over a period. Pregnant women must mention their condition before allowing any of these blood thinners to enter their bodies. Clot busters for those severe symptoms If you have large clots with severe pain and swelling or if you’re at the risk of pulmonary embolism or if the blood thinners don’t work for you, the doctors may recommend thrombolytic medicine for you that act as clot busters.
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5 Healthy Snacks for Kids With ADHD

5 Healthy Snacks for Kids With ADHD

Diet plays a vital role in physical and mental well-being. Kids with ADHD may benefit from eating healthy. They often experience fatigue due to disturbed sleep. But, good food can make them feel active, which can improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Kids who are fussy eaters may not follow a strict diet. But, all kids love snacks. Why not incorporate their daily intake of nutrients into their meals? Here are five snacks that will keep kids with ADHD healthy. Popcorn Instead of the regular crisps, give kids popcorn. It’s one of their favorite snacks too. Pressure cook the popcorn and add a little salt for taste. Popcorn is a great source of fiber, and it has antioxidants that can improve blood circulation and digestion. This means that kids with ADHD may feel healthier. Also, popcorn can keep them feeling satiated for longer. Only ensure that the popcorn is not artificially colored, as food dyes may increase hyperactivity which can worsen ADHD symptoms. Whole-grain cereals Whole grains cereals are unrefined rich sources of fiber. It has antioxidants, iron, magnesium, and copper, which are healthy minerals. Kids are fond of fruit loops. But they are concentrated in sugar and food dye. It is important to manage weight in ADHD, so substitute fruit loops with whole-grain cereal, as it is a healthier snack option.
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5 Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

5 Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the malignant growth of cancerous cells in the prostate gland. Most prostate cancers are detected early, which gives one time to decide on the treatment. The method of treatment will depend upon many factors. This includes one’s symptoms, health history, existing medical conditions, and how far cancer has spread in the body. The complications of the treatment are discussed beforehand too. Based on the patient’s condition, these treatment methods are available for prostate cancer. Surgery This method involves the removal of affected lymph nodes and the prostate through an operation. A urologist is a surgeon who uses this method to treat cancer. The type of surgery that one must undergo will depend on the stage of cancer. There are different surgical treatments such as perineal surgery, radical prostatectomy, bilateral orchiectomy, and robotic prostatectomy. Perineal surgery is a more traditional approach that causes minimal disruption to the bladder and urethra. Radiation therapy In this method, radiation oncologists use high-energy rays to destroy cancerous cells. Radiation therapy involves several treatments as per a decided regimen. So, most patients have a schedule to follow. In targeted radiation therapies, the high-energy rays are specifically limited to the affected area. This aims to minimize any complications surrounding normal tissues in the bladder and rectum.
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Colon Cancer – Symptoms and Prevention Measures

Colon Cancer – Symptoms and Prevention Measures

Colon cancer is a life-threatening condition that begins as precancerous polyps in the colon or rectum. These polyps can be present in the organs for long before they turn cancerous. Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the country, with more than a hundred thousand cases diagnosed each year. Everyone is susceptible to developing this condition, so it’s important to know the telltale signs and prevention tips for colon cancer. Read on to learn more. Signs of colon cancer Abdominal pain This is a common symptom that affects individuals at least once in their life, but if one has recurring or long-lasting episodes of abdominal pain, it may indicate colon cancer. Since it occurs in the large intestine, one’s bowel habits may change, triggering cramping, bloating, and abdominal pain. Fatigue and weakness Sometimes, cancerous cells result in fatigue due to internal bleeding, but fatigue is not a stand-alone sign of colon cancer. It may manifest with other symptoms mentioned in this list. That said, if one experiences persistent exhaustion and weakness that doesn’t resolve with proper rest, they should visit a doctor. Sudden weight loss Unexplained loss of weight that’s not caused by dietary changes or exercise can indicate colon cancer or other underlying diseases.
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6 Factors That Increase the Risk of Melanoma

6 Factors That Increase the Risk of Melanoma

Melanoma is an uncommon skin cancer that occurs when melanocytes begin to multiply uncontrollably. About 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with melanoma each year, and when or how the condition happens cannot be predicted. So, understanding the risk factors can help one be proactive and take precautionary measures to lower the risk. Certain risk factors for melanoma are out of our control, while some are caused due to reversible circumstances. Here’s a list of the factors that elevate the risk: Excessive UV exposure The main source of Ultraviolet (UV) rays are the sun rays, so people who’re out in the sun for prolonged periods are more susceptible to melanoma. Other sources of UV rays are tanning beds and sun lamps, which expose the skin to sunburns. Excessive UV light is a risk factor for melanoma because it destroys the genes inside the skin cells, which leads to melanoma or other forms of skin cancer. Weak immune system If an individual’s immune system is strong, their body can ward off diseases, including cancer. However, a weak immune system due to the presence of certain diseases or undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapy exposes them to a higher risk of developing melanoma.
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Identifying and Managing Hepatitis C

Identifying and Managing Hepatitis C

People with hepatitis C (Hep C) experience inflammation of the liver that harms the cells of the organ. Few may have the disease for a short period, such as around six months, while others may have it for a long time. The former is called acute hepatitis C, while the latter is called chronic hepatitis C. In the later stages, hepatitis C causes more severe symptoms, which should be identified and actively managed at the earliest, lest it turns fatal. Here are few signs of hepatitis C, along with management tips for the condition. Acute hepatitis C signs Exposure to the condition might cause a mild illness which one may recover from in a few months. This is an acute form that can indicate signs like pain in the joints and stomach. Patients may also feel tired due to fever and nausea. Jaundice, a condition where one’s skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow, is also a common symptom. In some cases, patients may experience a loss of appetite as well. This disease may take anywhere from a month to five or six months to treat. Even in acute hepatitis C, people may be chronic carriers of the disease.
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